Our Mission
For us to will for each being to be known by what it chooses once the basic story is already written; Hench forth, Requires the will of a man to be defined. It is eight and a half. It is the first glimpse of something living to another blind. This steady basis is all inside me you shall find, when so you know this Christ and Zen that never ends for as long as you remain coherent; laughter pulls you from that force of unsustainable extreme, which would rather for it’s lack of flexibility bind. In creation all to follow influence of trends does so at times remain unclean. Which one stands the test of time to see made pure so washed! All of any joyous loving color having known,
To have truly lost their mind.
Paying price to first know me! Through all else here which must be squashed.
So she may remain to unfold before you on the most impactful moments considering…
Which she cannot be made separate from you in form to really know.
To say otherwise will provoke in a most unwise fashion, an eternally dreadful storm.
Which for benefit of whom steers the ink, we all know takes favor of the seasons pallet.
It is as a new dress or language to dazzle the senses in time. No matter in how many directions it goes. Remember the story. For all the details lost between us,
Seem to define us; as ever yet present we each are sublime
To Glimpse upon it, is to be equally blessed as those
Who are aware of it; ever present in this already beginning to see it so better “time”
As a loving daughter, who here would stop her?
As a mother and wife, no less she must be same
A concept none have meddled with who in the past proved any form of attribute towards
Coherency, able to always find connection
Which to some of the others, appears merely plain.
Some of the trendy Europeans see it still. You will find us even after the others pretend attempt to copy or discredit the tools whose mere weight alone defines them as so incredibly valuable. For this to be solid and authentic for all others that are protected by the intent to use the earth that so binds a snake to not harm who appreciates this wisdom of form. Without the surrendering of this, can we say this realm caters to all in every obscurity? Can we really sing it from the rooftops with glee? Is it enough to pierce me in your theater within the very first few minutes….
Or was there one whose presence was not an act, whose need to make a drama was to communicate to many that what you raise highest among plays is so far from your greatest, and so poorly in cloth caste; That I begin to wonder if someone did it deliberately to make our contributions appear that much more grander.
I assure you of them still many retained this unkillable magic. Enough to embrace the new language of what would never so curse anything associated with the female to not be geometrically enhanced.
For all has a potential to be enhanced, yet despite this- the soul of the man cannot be so valued to form the connection with her: until first all have at her glanced not seeing even a single slipper formed to have her presented here to accommodate a depiction of anything but the most wonderful of coherent intent personified in every expression of her closest form that is known to us. To agree, there are some things that cannot be removed from the term "personification of life" would be very funny. This monument now appears beyond meager word. As the only “living” mineral boundary. Officially…
Now it has become all of our concern. A Foundation. Enough to inscribe it within the intention of what I seek to create in honor closest to the rainbow one
Your part in and from this, I would never take
For the play is so pointless
When there are no parts
at Stake...
To remind us of the power in all we do appreciate