How it Works
To pay the price for me to say anything witty here:
I require the fee of you to at-least not mock her in any circulation of the female body.
Which requires you to support me. (I R SIMPLE)
I need a physical donation to be reminded of where my priority is to store when the hour demands it. It has to ALWAYS be available to allow by will priority of one needing it in the moment to experience the oldest ritual. This is non negotiable for it is the price of our making, which allows us to continue it eternally. If someone else creates a similar foundation... It shall not work.
To pretend a whore is the same is to entertain that the sad fiction of this world honors through blasphemy a portrayal of her in a fashion by concept that does not benefit either. However when she is honored as nature, never is her form allowed to be granted more so of it's splendor to another over any such crazy idea as "caste". It's not difficult to remain on positive terms with her. Simply ensure all feminine industries by concept are protected at the highest from entities who embody both an inscriber and the polarity of such being born of female soul inscribed by such to keep this trust eternal. Provided these two unwavering conditions are met, the other conditions adapt universally in a manner that is coherent.
It is one who takes part for their embodiment of the Female which never denies something designed to take splendor in her form. It is therefor her greatest victory to have a male buck quaver before her demand through a will that see's it more favorable for her than another. Why? Because of the two wills, the male must never be forced to partake in her rituals.
Her victory is having him agree without any other force or bias applied to their decision. He derives no victory from the women. His victory is in the broken moment it is so blissfully clear that all his pain came from not having endured that crazy period we call coming of age. All awakened, or more so men through concept alone may relate to this more so.
It is having him will it, where fairly at any moment this great theatric may be laid out before another, which makes this victory so profound for her.
For even in this victory, he invites Drama to return to her should she be more enhanced by it in romance. He is the measurement, of her deepest desires that embodies the finite selection between many favorable options. She is what is realized when the requirements of the terms are laid out clear. On her coherency there is no bloody negotiation. This is why all foundational systems require inscribers. All sciences related to her geometry must be returned to flow through the will of such trust. In Architecture and genetic breeding it should be honored as the seed of the tree.
Remember this seed for such decline in spirit unable to will the most of her shall be more valued than the highest stock of the mountain lambs whose wool cannot even be knit.
Through thirty days or nights if you should present so humorous the poor and almost non-existent competition. You will see it clearly. This never ending need to have it fulfilled.
The finesse that a queen is able to achieve this through separates a mere mortal from a fellow player. Reminding us that the victory of the man is not in having her, but making her want it more than others. Apply enough reminder of their desire, and the theatrics will begin! Oh what a splendor to be made so sooner to remember.
Only a moment ago, I was in front of a tunnel.. Still considering
This rule cannot bend. The ritual cannot be denied.
When this need is filled, the male will shall know grace of her form unrestricted. From here the story begins. All soul, as aspect of our characters is quickly able to be in a most neutral fashion judged, for what before motivated all which allowed for inaccurate results: sheds light onto what it actually is.
[closest respect to this in concept is agreeable if the latter is not able to be found]
So that the Donations work in a beneficial respect 'Digitally'.
From there the players make themselves known
Harlequin bliss returns once more to restore arts to balance; which one of seven allowed to go amiss to remind us of the wild hairs of her
Whom no mortal soul may tame or grasp for even a moment to ever find dear enough to hold or restrict by the hand of ritual...
The only price is that for the duration of these rituals....
Whenever we do so require it. The female to facilitate this liberty: must to the men who protect these concepts understand.
These are our terms
“Immunis Foundation has truly changed my life. It gave me the opportunity to Bring together the Kind of unsung heroes who wrote for all the right reasons. Spirits who knew dark periods would always be followed by those of light. Being able to grant such tortured souls a voice to speak through during the darkest of times, remains the most fulfilling aspect of my quest, to improve the way community supports those who truly need it.
Unless you have gone through the process of awakening in this madhouse, you couldn't possibly understand what it means to some of them. ”
Alexander- Principal Founder